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About Kay Bryan

Kay was born in Fort Payne Alabama in 1961. She loved music from a young age. She grew up singing in various churches with her mom and sister. She began piano lessons at age 6. Although she took lessons for several years, she never became proficient at playing by music. Around age 11, she discovered that she could play by ear, and that allowed her to play the music she loved most, Southern Gospel. She became the pianist at her small country church, and was a church pianist for the next 35 years at various churches. She always dreamed of traveling and singing with a Southern Gospel group, but life got in the way.

At age 15 she married her husband Tim. He has been her greatest supporter, and they have been together for almost 50 years. They have two daughters, Jennifer and Miranda. When the girls were in their early twenties, and both married, they adopted a son, Justin. They now also have 5 grandchildren. Tim is a bivocational minister, so Kay’s music ministry complimented that.

Kay sang with various small groups over the years and has been a soloist all her life, but her first stint in writing came in April 2003 after a huge church split left her seeking answers from God. From that experience the song “Not My Will” was born. She considered it her best work for many years even though she wrote several more over the coming years. She sang them in church, with no idea how to push them out to the public. A tough delivery when her second granddaughter was born led her to write “The Giver of Life”, another personal favorite. Life happened and her writing slowed for several years when in May of 2023 she felt the Lord speak again and she wrote “I Will Praise Him in The Valley”. At this point, she felt God was opening doors to carry her music and message to a greater audience and she reached out to those she knew God was putting in her path to help make that happen. Today, it is her desire to write great songs and share them with the world.

Again, she gives God the glory for the events that led to that decision. Kay has always been a super fan of the music of Sheri Easter, she and Tim began to follow them. A couple years ago they attended Jeff and Sheri’s Homecoming in Lincolnton Ga. At that event, along with Jeff and Sheri they met Jared Easter and Morgan Easter Smith and even Jeffs dad James Easter. When James began to tell her that he had written Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me, she knew she had met a great song writer. So, when she saw Jared’s ad for his company that helps song writers get their songs out, she knew she could trust him, and that this was all Gods plan for her life.